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Don't Get Burned - Mary Beth Murray
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The People’s Burn Foundation website has a list ( that we thought was simple, but useful. With summer now over and the kids back in a learning frame of mind, it’s a perfect time to review important safety recommendations. This list is focused on burns, which can be life-altering, but which are also preventable. -Is food cooking on the stove or in the oven constantly watched? -Are pot handles turned away from the edge of the stove? -Do you use the back burners first? -Do you keep children 3 feet away from the stove when cooking? -Are any appliance cords dangling off counters? -Are microwaves placed below shoulder level of most family members? -Are children supervised when using the microwave? -Are matches and lighters locked in areas above shoulder height? -Are smokers using a sturdy ashtray and never smoking in bed? -Do all light fixtures have the correct wattage bulbs? -Are candles in glass containers away from anything that might catch fire? -Are night lights away from curtains, blankets or anything that might burn? -Are space heaters at least three feet from cribs, beds and anything combustible? -Have you inspected electrical cords for cracks, tears or frays? -Are all cords above carpets and not under furniture legs? -Are electrical appliances unplugged when not in use? -Do you use surge protectors and heavy duty extension cords? -Are electrical outlets covered? -Is there a smoke alarm near every bedroom doorway? -Is there a smoke alarm on every floor of your house? -Do you test your smoke alarms twice yearly? -Does every room have two escape routes? -Can all windows be easily opened in an emergency? -Are all exits clear and easy to reach? -Does the family practice its escape plan regularly? -Have you set up a family meeting place outside the home in case of a fire? -Do you check bath water before using it? Going through this simple list can help prevent a needless tragedy. With the younger ones, you can even make the list a learning game that increases safety and teaches good lifelong lessons. Take a few minutes to make your home safer for everyone and have a great new school year! Mary Beth Murray is a firefighter with the BBVFC, where she has been a member since 1993. She is an expert in fire safety education and was the Company’s 2006 Firefighter of the Year. Mary Beth lives in Bethany Beach with her husband, Steve, and their two daughters and can be reached at [email protected].